In 2005, Robert McClure and Lisa Stiffler wrote a multi-part series of articles for the Seattle Post Intelligencer about Habitat Conservation Plans called "License to Kill". The Post Intelligencer is now defunct, but the articles can be found here:

Read the recent articles appearing in the Huffington Post written by Noah Greenwald, Endangered Species Director at the Center for Biological Diversity, on attacks on the Endangered Species Act in Washington.

Watch excerpts from Noah's interview we recorded for use in The Edge of the Wild about the Endangered Species Act and Habitat Conservation Plans:


This video was made by the US Fish and Wildlife Service about the Endangered Species Act. Beware! It's very dry but full of information about the act.


The only comprehensive study of Habitat Conservation Plans done was in 1997. This article in the New York Times summarizes the findings: NY Times Article on HCP study